3006 W 7th St #220 Los Angeles CA 90005
Saturday, May 13 at 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Ends Jun 24, 2017
Kwak works through plaster, resin, and metal to arrive at a new art historical lineage informed by agency and resistance. Hers is a family chosen and a history claimed as a radical tactic. It is a lineage that begins with classical antiquity, specifically herma statues–square columns bearing only heads and genitals as figurative markers and hermaphroditus, a divine being of both sexes, often with the head, breasts, and body of a female and male genitals. This line continues into the expanded sculptural field, collapsing statuary traditions into Minimalism and contemporary queer formalism. Through this time-based sculpture, Patricia Fernández fosters a relationship with the space by proposing a personalized exchange system. For our 5th anniversary, Fernández re-activates a history of exchange and resistance. An indexing of the box’s contents will begin during this iteration.